BYC Blog | Don't Mix This With Candle Wax
It's Candle Season!
As the warmer months approach us, we tend to, burn more candles, for longer periods of time and with the busyness of pets, kids and simply loosing track of time due to life, the probability of an candle accident increases, significantly.
We hope that nothing bad ever happens to you but, if you find yourself in a situation where the flame in your candle is too high or you simply want to put it out, remember this...
🚫 Water and Wax Are A Bad Combination 🚫
The wax in the candle is basically fuel, similar to a grease fire on a stove, pouring water on it, causes it to splash sparks and/or rise higher which may:
- result in you being burned or setting things in that space, on fire.
To properly extinguish a candle, you may:
- Place the lid over it
- Blow it out or;
- Use a candle snuffer
We want you to enjoy your candle experience in the best and safest way possible.
Please take precautions in where you place your candle to be burned and how you put the candle out.
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